Rubrics provide a framework for students, helping them submit stronger assignments while decreasing confusion as they write and create. While leveraging Canvas to provide clear, efficient, and consistent access to rubric, take a minute to learn a few settings, saving yourself valuable time and a possible headache.
1. Sync rubric to gradebook
Navigate to “Assignments” or “Discussions.” Then, select to edit a current rubric or create a new one. To ensure assignment grades appear in the Canvas Gradebook, mark the checkbox option to add the rubric to the course Gradebook by selecting “Use this rubric for assignment grading.”
2. Write comments in rubric
When grading in SpeedGrader, click “View Rubric.” Beneath the space to enter criterion points, click the comment icon. Enter your free-form comments on that criterion and be sure to click “Save” when you’re finished grading the assignment.
3. Give a rubric score between two ratings
In SpeedGrader, when viewing the rubric, enter a point value manually between two set values; this allows you to input targeted grade values. When you insert a custom point value, you may want to leave a free-form comment to explain your decision (see #2 above).
4. Save rubric before submitting
In SpeedGrader, be sure to mark the “Save” button, which is located above the “Submit” button. The “Save” button must be selected before “Submit” or the grade will not appear and you will have to regrade the assignment.
5. Update rubric scores
Navigate to “Rubrics” on the left navigation bar. Select the rubric you want to update. Then select “Edit Rubric.” Update the total points for the desired criteria by clicking on the pencil icon.