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Screen Readers (1)
Summative Assessments (1)
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) (1)
Video (8)
Visual Accessibility (2)
Visual Design (1)
Accessible PDFs
Developing and delivering accessible instructional content—meaning content that students with and without disabilities can readily engage with and use—is essential to the success of an online course. While many accessibility standards and guidelines are broadly applicable, there are also specific considerations unique to different content formats and delivery modes. In this piece, we present recommendations for enhancing the accessibility of PDFs for students.
Best Practices for Screencast
Do you want to deliver presentations, share tutorials, or teach complex applications in your online course? If so, creating screencasts may be a great option for you. This piece defines what a screencast is, identifies important development considerations and common instructional use cases, and highlights best practices for creating screencasts for your online course.
Enhancing Quantitative Courses With Varied Learning Approaches
Employing a variety of modes of instruction and assessment, as recommended by Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, can enhance the learning experience for students in quantitative courses. Diverse elements such as visual aids, interactive features, and real-world applications can complement, extend, or replace traditional lectures and exams. Since classes consist of students with varying learning preferences and strategies, using multiple modes of representation in a course promotes deeper understanding, engagement, and skill development. This piece details design elements that can be particularly impactful in quantitative courses.
The Art of Storytelling in Online Course Development: Enhancing Learning Across Fields and Assignments
Storytelling is a foundational element of communication that has allowed humanity to easily transfer information for millennia. From ancient fables to modern narratives, stories have the power to captivate, engage, and inform people across generations. In the realm of online learning, where a key goal is to replicate the complexity and richness of real-life experiences as closely as possible, storytelling can be a helpful pedagogical tool. When seamlessly integrated into learning environments, storytelling transcends simple information transfer.
Using YouTube in Your Course
The vast majority of instructors (97%) claim that video is “essential” to students’ academic experiences (Kaltura, 2022). However, it can be difficult for faculty to find the time and motivation to create high-quality instructional videos, leading them to source third-party videos from the internet. With countless videos being uploaded every day, YouTube is a logical choice for finding free, relevant, and engaging educational content. This post discusses some of the key factors to consider when utilizing YouTube to supplement the learning materials in your course.
Managing Files in Canvas
Students and instructors alike benefit from consistent file management in online courses. Ensuring that students can readily locate and access the files they need serves to promote engagement and completion of course requirements. Similarly, consistent file management helps instructors to navigate through and update materials efficiently and to avoid introducing file-related errors. This post outlines recommendations and key considerations for optimizing file management within your online course. While recommendations and considerations related to Canvas-specific functionality are threaded throughout, you will also find broadly applicable tips pertinent to multiple learning management systems.
Enhancing Student Learning Through Course Consistency and Accessibility
Course developers (those who build individual courses) play a crucial role in the success of an online degree program by providing expertise and bringing unique perspectives. Accordingly, it is valuable for faculty to customize their course spaces by infusing them with their own knowledge and personality. At the same time, it is also crucial to prioritize structural consistency within and across courses in an online program, as course consistency is a key aspect of accessibility and a key contributing factor to student success. In particular, students must be able to perceive, operate, and understand the course and course materials using program-standard devices and certain assistive technologies, and this should be true across all of the courses in a program. This is where program chairs and administrators can help support faculty in standardizing key elements of courses to facilitate a seamless student experience. In this piece, we discuss how maintaining structural consistency within and across courses can positively impact accessibility.