
There are 34 results.

Updating Your Syllabus

September 24, 2021
Over time, you may want to make changes to the syllabus of a course. The syllabus documents are saved in the “Files” area (1) of the course. To preserve the integrity of the document, the Word document is located in the “Instructor Only” folder (3), and the PDF is found in the “Documents” folder (2) so it is visible to students.

Basic Editing in Canvas

September 24, 2021
To edit a page in Canvas, simply click on the “Edit” button. Each page contains a variety of editing tools, similar to those found on most word processing programs. The Rich Content Editor applies the principles of a WYSIWIG editor (What You See is What You Get) and uses icons to illustrate the functions. You may also hover over an icon to confirm its function.

High-Impact Practices to Support Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in STEM

October 09, 2024
When you think of a scientist, who comes to mind? If it’s Albert Einstein or Charles Darwin, you’re not alone. Gender stereotypes and a lack of inclusive role models in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) have contributed to spaces that have not always been welcoming for African American, Indigenous, and Latino students or those from other historically underserved groups (American Association of University Women, n.d.). Kimberlé Crenshaw’s concept of intersectionality, a term she coined in 1989, provides a framework for understanding Black women’s lived and overlapping experiences of racism and sexism (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, n.d.; TED, 2016). Crenshaw, a law professor and Black feminist scholar, explains that “intersectionality is a lens through which you can see where power comes and collides, where it interlocks and intersects” (Columbia Law School, 2017).

Zoom Into Online Learning

September 24, 2021
Faculty often express concern over how to maintain personal relationships with their students in an online course space; incorporating optional synchronous elements to an online course can help “put a face” to a name. Zoom, the video conferencing tool that allows you to create synchronous experiences for their students, has become ubiquitous in educational and businesses in the past two years.

Representation Matters: Guest Speakers to Support DEIB

July 11, 2024
Guest speakers can support diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives while promoting students’ academic and professional growth across disciplines. When designing courses, identify ways to integrate speakers into the curriculum, tap established networks, and ensure that any readings and assignments align with these efforts.

Inclusive Language

September 16, 2022
Use inclusive language across course content and communications to reach every learner. “Inclusive education must be cultivated deliberately if we want to advance in its implementation” (Márquez & Melero-Aguilar, 2022, p. 842). Inclusion entails creating an environment of open participation for all individuals. Inclusive course design works to ensure all students feel heard, valued, and validated. The thoughtful use of language can establish an environment of inclusion in online learning.

Infographic Considerations

September 27, 2021
An infographic is a visual that combines text, graphics, diagrams, and graphs to present information. When used effectively, infographics can be a powerful tool to guide students through the learning process. “Infographics ask for an active response from the viewer, raising the questions, ‘What am I seeing?’ and ‘What does it mean?’” (Krauss, 2012, p. 10). Infographics also present information in an organized way, which can improve students’ critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis skills (Yildirim, 2016).

Taking Stock at the Midpoint of the Term

March 15, 2024
Halfway through the term isn't a great time to change around a bunch of materials or assignments in your course. However, it is a useful moment to evaluate how the course is going, realign to match the goals you set out at the beginning of the term, and determine what you may be able to tweak to make your course work more effectively for you and for your students. This piece suggests actions you can take at midterm to help shape the second half of the course.

Problem-Based Learning

September 27, 2021
Problem Based Learning is a teaching method used to facilitate student knowledge acquisition. This teaching method is often confused with Project Based Learning, which centers on students applying knowledge. The focus of Problem Based Learning is students acquiring the knowledge. Since the two methods use the same acronym, they are easily confused, but have different objectives for students.