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Leveraging CSV Downloads
The majority of an online instructor’s course facilitation will occur within the learning management system (LMS). However, there are some tasks that can be improved or streamlined by downloading comma-separated value (CSV) files from Canvas. Running an online course requires balancing a lot of names, assignments, and deadlines, so using Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or another spreadsheet software can assist with course management.
SpeedGrader Best Practices
SpeedGrader is a Canvas learning management system (LMS) tool for viewing and grading assessments, including assignments, quizzes, and discussions. The interface is similar for all three types of assessments, with a few slight differences. To understand the basic functionality of SpeedGrader, consult the collection of guides and overview video provided by Canvas. This piece outlines best practices for how instructors can leverage SpeedGrader when leaving timely feedback and grades for their students, which is an important aspect of student engagement and success in online education.
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity
Chatbots, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, are increasingly being integrated into higher education as a tool to improve student engagement and support. While ChatGPT has shown promise in its ability to assist students with a wide range of tasks and provide instant feedback, there are also potential risks associated with its use. This article aims to explore the benefits and risks of using ChatGPT in higher education and offer insights into how this technology can be leveraged effectively to support student learning and development.
Problem-Based Learning
Problem Based Learning is a teaching method used to facilitate student knowledge acquisition. This teaching method is often confused with Project Based Learning, which centers on students applying knowledge. The focus of Problem Based Learning is students acquiring the knowledge. Since the two methods use the same acronym, they are easily confused, but have different objectives for students.
Project-Based Learning
Project-based learning is learning that is organized around a project (Bell, 2010). It is a student-centered approach to learning, where students choose their topic of study and design an integrative project around the topic (Bell, 2010; Astawa et al., 2017). This form of study promotes self-efficacy in the learning environment. Such self-efficacy enables students to perform more difficult tasks and develop confidence in their abilities (Shin, 2018). These abilities generally help students to transfer their skills to the real world.
First Time Teaching Online
The online learning environment may seem vastly different from the on-ground classroom. With the right preparation, however, you can successfully translate on-ground teaching and expertise into the online modality and create an engaging learning experience for students. In this piece, we will walk through things you’ll want to look for and decisions you’ll need to make when teaching online for the first time, regardless of what course you’re teaching. Additionally, we also provide some specific examples that are particularly relevant if you are using the Canvas learning management system.
Encouraging Effective Discussions
Online forums are valuable learning tools: they merit the time and thought it takes to create them, but they must be well-designed to be effective for instructors and students. Baker and Ahlegren (2022) note that instructors may start out with the best of intentions and a desire to achieve multiple goals, such as promoting critical thinking and fostering a community of authentic learners. However, discussion boards often become just another writing assignment, a missed opportunity to “elicit debate, inspire meaningful ideas, and fully engage the learning community” (Blakely et al., 2022, para. 6). When this happens, students can view discussions as transactional, not transformative.
Oral Presentations Online
Interestingly, there is little research regarding best practices for incorporating oral presentations into online courses (McDougall & Holden, 2017). When developing online courses, instructors often avoid assigning presentations due to logistical concerns (Kenkel, 2011). However, the benefits of oral presentations as a form of assessment are significant enough to necessitate overcoming these fears.
Case Studies in a Multimodal Course
Case-based learning allows students to develop higher-order critical thinking, problem-solving, synthesis, analysis, and communication skills by engaging with a realistic scenario in service of practicing course skills and concepts. Case studies are valuable tools for any class that combines asynchronous and synchronous learning. Indeed, some research suggests that a multimodal delivery model may be ideal for case study-based work, with the combination of synchronous and asynchronous elements enabling students to participate more fully in cases (Webb et al., 2005). In the first half of this piece, we outline some key considerations for using case studies in a multimodal course. In the second half, we make targeted recommendations for effectively prepping, facilitating, and reflecting on your multimodal case studies.
Why and How to Give Extra Credit
Granting extra credit opportunities can be controversial. Despite studies showing that students typically have positive feelings toward instructors who allow for extra credit opportunities (Myers & Hatchel, 2019), instructors have an understandable list of concerns about the practice (Cohan, 2018; Dunn & Halonen, 2019). This piece presents some common pros and cons around extra credit and items to consider when implementing extra credit.