
There are 18 results.

Instructor Presence in Online Courses

September 24, 2021
Consistent and meaningful instructor presence is one of the most important drivers of student success and satisfaction in online courses (Roddy et al., 2017). However, establishing instructor presence online can be challenging. In fact, studies have shown that many online students feel their instructors are largely invisible (Tichavsky et al., 2015).

Leveraging White Space

October 13, 2022
Good page design requires balance between white space, or negative space, and positive space. Positive space encompasses all aspects and types of content; on a course page, these objects might include an introductory paragraph, video thumbnail, infographic, callout box, opinion poll, or provocative quotation. Relative to these course components, white space might seem like a nice-to-have. Because it promotes clarity and reduces distortion, white space is just as important as content in instructional page design.

Creating Video Announcements

July 10, 2024
Course announcements are an excellent way to communicate important information regarding upcoming topics and assignments. When delivered in video format, course announcements can also help create a culture of connection with your students, establishing instructor presence within the course.

Best Practices for Screencast

April 26, 2024
Do you want to deliver presentations, share tutorials, or teach complex applications in your online course? If so, creating screencasts may be a great option for you. This piece defines what a screencast is, identifies important development considerations and common instructional use cases, and highlights best practices for creating screencasts for your online course.

Accessible PDFs

June 14, 2024
Developing and delivering accessible instructional content—meaning content that students with and without disabilities can readily engage with and use—is essential to the success of an online course. While many accessibility standards and guidelines are broadly applicable, there are also specific considerations unique to different content formats and delivery modes. In this piece, we present recommendations for enhancing the accessibility of PDFs for students.

Quantitative Course Best Practices

July 02, 2024
"What I hear, I forget; what I see, I remember; what I do, I understand." –Chinese proverb

Creating Video: Personal Experience Insights

August 16, 2024
In our Personal Experience Insights series, members of the Everspring Learning Design department share first-hand accounts of creating online learning content and meaningful takeaways from their professional experiences.

The Art of Storytelling in Online Course Development: Enhancing Learning Across Fields and Assignments

August 27, 2024
Storytelling is a foundational element of communication that has allowed humanity to easily transfer information for millennia. From ancient fables to modern narratives, stories have the power to captivate, engage, and inform people across generations. In the realm of online learning, where a key goal is to replicate the complexity and richness of real-life experiences as closely as possible, storytelling can be a helpful pedagogical tool. When seamlessly integrated into learning environments, storytelling transcends simple information transfer.

Data-Centric Recommendations for Video Engagement

October 30, 2024
Incorporating prerecorded videos and animations into online learning experiences allows students the opportunity to access content at any time after the material is delivered. The inclusion of video and animation in online learning is now ubiquitous. To promote engagement, it is imperative that such content be delivered to learners clearly and effectively.