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Generative Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity
Chatbots, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, are increasingly being integrated into higher education as a tool to improve student engagement and support. While ChatGPT has shown promise in its ability to assist students with a wide range of tasks and provide instant feedback, there are also potential risks associated with its use. This article aims to explore the benefits and risks of using ChatGPT in higher education and offer insights into how this technology can be leveraged effectively to support student learning and development.
The Power of Retrieval Practice
Faculty aim to impart lasting knowledge and skills, but sometimes, learning doesn’t stick. One of the most powerful techniques for enhancing students’ long-term retention is retrieval practice, the process of actively recalling information to mind rather than passively reading or reviewing it. In this piece, we’ll dive into the evidence behind retrieval practice, provide strategies for how to incorporate it into online courses, suggest ways to frame its utility to students to ensure they fully reap the benefits of this learning strategy, and describe specific types of retrieval practice activities.
Types of Retrieval Practice Activities
By incorporating regular retrieval practice into your online course, you can ensure that key takeaways are actually being taken away by students to use in the future rather than being left behind due to lack of use. The following are some specific activities that can help move learners from a hazy recollection of something toward more clarity and permanence.
Formative Assessments
Formative assessments encompass a broad range of low-stakes activities aimed at improving student learning outcomes. In contrast to summative assessments, which are intended to measure products of student learning, formative assessments are oriented towards the learning process itself (Black & Wiliam, 1998). They can provide students with opportunities to evaluate their developing understanding of key concepts, practice new skills, and prepare for summative assessments (McLaughlin & Yan, 2017; Ogange et al., 2018). They can also provide instructors with valuable data on student progress (Bell & Cowie, 2001; McLaughlin & Yan, 2017). The results of formative assessments can indicate where individual students are struggling or excelling, allowing instructors to provide targeted feedback and tailor their instructional delivery accordingly.
First Time Teaching Online
The online learning environment may seem vastly different from the on-ground classroom. With the right preparation, however, you can successfully translate on-ground teaching and expertise into the online modality and create an engaging learning experience for students. In this piece, we will walk through things you’ll want to look for and decisions you’ll need to make when teaching online for the first time, regardless of what course you’re teaching. Additionally, we also provide some specific examples that are particularly relevant if you are using the Canvas learning management system.
Student-Generated Content
Student-generated content—materials and tasks created by learners for other learners—can strengthen engagement by providing students an opportunity to express creativity, practice critical thinking, and increase ownership of learning. Developing student-generated content requires learners to produce an instructional artifact, demonstrating new knowledge alongside existing understanding. Student-generated content can include a variety of formats:
Navigating Late Policies Online
Late submissions can raise thorny questions for online instructors. While studies show that students who submit assessments before the due date receive higher than average grades, as many as 70% of college students identify as procrastinators (You, 2015, p. 64). Despite instructor attempts to create a manageable workload and motivate students to submit assignments on time, it is inevitable that procrastination, combined with the competing obligations of online students, will result in occasional late submissions. When preparing for an upcoming term, it is a good idea to share a late policy that clearly communicates your expectations for student submissions (Santelli et al., 2020, p. 38).
Encouraging Effective Discussions
Online forums are valuable learning tools: they merit the time and thought it takes to create them, but they must be well-designed to be effective for instructors and students. Baker and Ahlegren (2022) note that instructors may start out with the best of intentions and a desire to achieve multiple goals, such as promoting critical thinking and fostering a community of authentic learners. However, discussion boards often become just another writing assignment, a missed opportunity to “elicit debate, inspire meaningful ideas, and fully engage the learning community” (Blakely et al., 2022, para. 6). When this happens, students can view discussions as transactional, not transformative.
Oral Presentations Online
Interestingly, there is little research regarding best practices for incorporating oral presentations into online courses (McDougall & Holden, 2017). When developing online courses, instructors often avoid assigning presentations due to logistical concerns (Kenkel, 2011). However, the benefits of oral presentations as a form of assessment are significant enough to necessitate overcoming these fears.