
There are 44 results.

Engagement Series: Student-Student Engagement

January 08, 2025
This is the third in a series of pieces exploring different types of course engagement. This piece focuses on how course developers and instructors can foster student-student engagement in online courses.

Communication, Community, and Student Engagement in the Online Classroom

September 24, 2021
The most difficult task in transitioning from on-ground to online teaching is determining the best way to emulate the community and engagement inherent in a face-to-face classroom.Consider this: Your online classroom can be even more engaging than an on-campus classroom. Simple tools, such as discussion forums and announcements, can elevate your classroom immensely.

Engagement Series: Student-Content Engagement

September 25, 2024
This is the second in a series of pieces exploring different types of course engagement. This piece focuses on how course developers and instructors can foster student-content engagement in online courses.

The Need to Rethink Assessments in the Age of Generative AI

January 27, 2025
The rapid advancement of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) technologies has sent shockwaves through the education sector, sparking intense debates about academic integrity, assessment practices, and student learning (Roe et al., 2023; Rudolph et al., 2023; Susnjak & McIntosh, 2024; Swiecki et al., 2022; Yeo, 2023). Since the public release of ChatGPT in November 2022, educators have grappled with concerns about cheating and the potential erosion of traditional academic values (Gorichanaz, 2023; Sullivan et al., 2023). However, as our understanding of genAI capabilities evolves, so too must our approach to assessment and teaching (Lodge et al., 2023).

No Sweat Alt Text

September 24, 2021
What is “alt text”? Alt text is descriptive text linked to an image, graph, or other visual content that allows users to understand the visual without viewing it. Any image online should contain alt text, but guidelines differ depending on whether the image is simply decorative or related to other content on the page.

Using PowerPoint in a Video

September 22, 2022
The familiarity and ease of PowerPoint make it a natural choice for creating instructional videos. After all, your energy is better spent on planning and recording videos than on learning a new tool. However, creating quality slides still requires significant time and attention to detail.

Authentic Activities

September 27, 2021
The majority of online learners seek formal education for a multitude of reasons but can be frustrated by the lack of transferrable skills. Online education can bridge this gap by utilizing authentic activities, allowing learners to gain skills that directly connect to their professional lives.

Clear and Quick: The Why and How of Rubrics

September 24, 2021
Rubrics provide students with insight into their performance and mastery of learning outcomes, providing clarity on how grades are assigned and teaching students how to tailor their work. For instructors, rubrics take the guesswork out of deciding how to grade, saving valuable time.